Discover the Benefits of Vitamin D on Your Dental Implants
August 28, 2022

Receiving dental implants is an exciting step for anyone who is experiencing tooth loss. Recognizing that your teeth are no longer missing but instead, have been replaced by the most superior prosthetics on the market marks feelings of true relief. But how can you extend their lifespan and ensure their success? Discover the benefits of vitamin D and how it can play a pivotal role in the longevity of your new smile.
(more…)Should I Wait to Receive Dental Implants While Pregnant?
August 12, 2022

It’s an exciting time when preparing to welcome a child into the world. Apart from getting their room ready, you may be staying busy trying to remember everything else you need to do before your baby arrives. One of these is continuing to take proper care of yourself. From your mental and emotional well-being to your physical health, you may begin wondering if dental implants during pregnancy are possible since you have a few missing teeth. A local dentist explains how you should handle this type of situation no matter how far along you are.