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Dr. Mark R. Simeone Blog

Is It Okay to Get Teeth Whitening After Braces?

June 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 12:47 am
person getting teeth whitening after braces

Congratulations on successfully completing your braces journey! Although braces can straighten your teeth, you might notice some discoloration once they are removed. This discoloration can occur due to plaque buildup or enamel demineralization during orthodontic treatment. The good news is that there are several teeth whitening options that can help restore your teeth’s natural color and enhance the appearance of your smile. Let’s explore the process of whitening your smile after braces.


5 Common Instruments That Your Dentist Uses

May 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 12:52 pm
Mouth mirror and various other dental instruments

Do you feel nervous whenever it’s time for a dental checkup? One possible contributing factor to your anxiety may be that you’re not entirely sure what your dentist is doing inside your mouth. As such, becoming more familiar with some of the tools they use and what they do could help you stay calmer in the dental chair. Here’s a brief look at 5 of the most common dental instruments.


What to Do Now that You’re Done with Braces

April 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 12:02 am
teenager with a beautiful smile

Finally, after over a year of cleaning and care, you’re finally getting your braces off! It’s a moment for celebration, where you can finally reveal your new, straight smile to others in all its glory.

However, just because you’re getting off your braces doesn’t mean you can stop thinking about your oral health—this is just the first day of a new life with this smile, and it’s a good idea to start that off on the right foot. Here are some things that you may want to do for your smile after you get your braces off.


Busting 3 Myths About Alcohol and Oral Health

March 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 1:19 am
A wide variety of alcohol lined up on a table

Everybody enjoys a drink every now and then—some of us more than others. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, but if you aren’t careful, there are some ways that alcohol can start to affect your health.

In particular, there are quite a few misunderstandings about how alcohol can impact people’s oral health. Here’s a blog to correct the record on some of the most common myths about alcohol and your teeth.


How the Holidays in March Can Affect Your Oral Health

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 1:16 am
green beer on a table

This March, there’s quite a bit to celebrate. It’s the end of winter and the beginning of spring, which is always worth getting excited about, but there are also several holidays that happen to fall in this month.

However, many of these celebrations can potentially have an effect on your oral health, especially if you aren’t careful. If you want to know what they are, and how you can prevent them, here are some of the festivities to watch out for this March.


Why Wear Rubber Bands on Your Braces?

February 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 8:36 am

If you plan to get metal braces, you might think they’ll be enough to straighten your smile. After all, their brackets and wires work well to move teeth into place! In reality, though, your dentist may have you wear rubber bands on the braces too. The latter items are sometimes needed to ensure effective treatment. As for why that’s the case, your local Coatesville dentist can explain. Read on, then, to learn why you’d need rubber bands with your braces, how they work, and tips on using them.


5 Myths About Root Canals, Debunked!

January 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 1:35 am
patient learning about root canal myths from dentist

Have you recently learned from your dentist that you need to get a root canal? Root canal therapy is one of the most feared dental treatments. This is because countless forms of misinformation has led patients to believe that this treatment is incredibly unpleasant to undergo. There is a range of other falsehoods about root canal therapy that have spread like wildfire. Continue reading as we debunk five of them.


Can Tooth Infections Be Deadly?

December 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 5:37 pm
a patient suffering from a severe toothache

Tooth pain is something that the majority of us experience throughout our lives, and there are certain times when it’s seemingly unbearable! But are there ever instances when these pesky little aches can become life-threatening? Believe it or not, the underlying causes for the pain can sometimes progress into serious or even fatal circumstances. Keep reading to learn more from your emergency dentist in Coatesville about tooth infections and how they have the potential to cause deadly problems, along with some helpful tips for preventing them entirely.


Is a Broken Denture a Dental Emergency?

November 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 2:56 pm
a broken denture

A broken denture can be a cause for panic. When one minute everything is fine and then suddenly, you’re left with a damaged prosthetic that no longer functions properly, you’ll quickly find yourself calling the dentist’s office for help. Is this type of problem considered a dental emergency? To answer this question, a local dentist is here to explain when you should seek professional help to get your smile back on track.


The Steps to Take If Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

October 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsimeone @ 7:26 pm
child with knocked-out tooth

My child knocked out a tooth” is surprisingly not an uncommon phrase many dentists hear nowadays. Although no one ever wants to face this type of problem, the reality is that kids can be easily injured while playing sports or riding a bike. Being prepared for this type of injury is important, which is why an emergency dentist is here to explain what steps you should plan to take should your little one accidentally lose a tooth.

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