What to Do Now that You’re Done with Braces
April 29, 2023

Finally, after over a year of cleaning and care, you’re finally getting your braces off! It’s a moment for celebration, where you can finally reveal your new, straight smile to others in all its glory.
However, just because you’re getting off your braces doesn’t mean you can stop thinking about your oral health—this is just the first day of a new life with this smile, and it’s a good idea to start that off on the right foot. Here are some things that you may want to do for your smile after you get your braces off.
Watch Out for Sensitivity
The metal brackets that held your braces together served a dual purpose of also protecting your teeth while you were wearing them. Now that they’ve come off, odds are that your teeth are going to feel a little bit exposed, which usually manifests as a sensitivity that lasts for a while afterward.
That being the case, it may be a smart idea to watch out for extremely hot or cold foods right after you get your braces off to avoid any discomfort from this sensitivity.
Wear Your Retainer
Now that you have your perfectly straight smile, you need to keep it that way. Your dentist will give you a retainer for this purpose. It’s not uncommon for adults to need to get orthodontic treatment even after getting braces because they didn’t wear their retainer, which is a big expense of time and money.
Wear your retainer and care for it as directed by your dentist; you’ll be able to save yourself a lot of headaches in the future.
Manage Discoloration
If you didn’t take quite as good care of your braces as you should have, your teeth may have gotten a little more yellow while wearing them. This can result in a white splotch in the center of your teeth, giving your teeth a funny appearance.
If the discoloration is mild, you could ask your dentist to recommend a whitening toothpaste. In severe cases, professional whitening treatment may also be a good idea.
While these things are important, you can take comfort in knowing that now that your braces are off, the hard part is over. Take a moment to celebrate—you’ve earned it!
About Our Practice
At Chester County Dental Arts, we’re proud to offer “no shame dentistry,” where patients can feel comfortable and cared for no matter the condition that they’re in. We want to help you, and we believe the best way to do that is to make sure that everyone feels completely welcome. Maybe that’s why we have been lucky enough to be able to help generations of patients get the smile of their dreams!
If you have any questions about braces, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (610) 383-1600.
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